Insanity's Whiz-Dumb

Explore the links on the right to see the inner thoughts of an Inane Advocate

IC: With bluetooth, I can use my cellphone handsfree. I think this is great. Now people don't stare at me when I am talking to my imaginary friends.

IC: Sticks and stones can make my homes, but words are what define me.

IC: What will be the astrological sign of the first person born on the moon?

IC: How may Alzheimer's Disease Patients does it take to ..............

IC: Abandon dope all ye who enter here!

Spot: Not even in your wet dreams!

Goofy: You can eat scorpions,
but you have to get them drunk first.

IC: When it comes to gay men, I think of football.
How is it decided who passes and who recieves?

IC: Two heads are better than one;
That's why boys are better than girls!

IC: Did you know that when you play Solitaire
with a real deck of cards,
and you win, the cards don't jump around?!!!

IC: Two's Company; Three's allowed?

Boomer: I am not afraid of work; I sit by it all the time.

IC: Go jump in a lake! (of fire and brimstone)

IC: Get a life! (an eternal one)

IC: You're not alone... Schizo !

IC: All Roads Leave From Home

IC: Caviar is like sushi,
except that the fish are really small
and you eat the whole thing.

IC: I used to complain that I had no feat,
until I met a man who had no soul.

IC: Always a bride's maid, never a groom.

IC: No Brain; No Pain.

IC: Too many books, spoil the child.

IC: Silence is Golden; Pass it on.

IC: Behind every sucessful man is a behind.

IC: Look before you eat.

One: More Is Better !

IC: A bird in the hand does not have to aim.

IC: Open window first, then spit.

IC: Never play cards with a man whose first name is a city.

IC: T.G.I.F. - Toes Go In First

IC: A Rolling Stone gathers no mass, except on their lips.

IC: People who live in Glass Houses, Shouldn't!

IC: HiHo - Humor In, Humor Out